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LIRs with five star IPv6 RIPEness in Germany

This list contains the LIRs with five star IPv6 RIPEness that offer services in Germany.

The fifth IPv6 RIPEness star tries to capture IPv6 deployment at the edge, and is updated once per month based on data for the previous month. If your organisation has completed the steps for achieving all four IPv6 RIPEness stars and was measured as having actually deployed IPv6 at the edge as described at IPv6 RIPEness - the 5th star: actual IPv6 deployment at the edge it should be included on this list.

If an LIR is not included in this list, either we couldn't measure it's IPv6 deployment, or the level of deployment we measured was below the current threshold of 50 %. Content was measured on 2022-09-01, Access data over the full month of 2022-07. Our access data feed from APNIC is currently undergoing maintenance, which causes the half-yearly aggregate numbers to be temporary estimations, we expect to provide more accurate numbers once this is finished.

If we have a low number of measurements from an LIR, data could be inaccurate. For example, if we only measured a single end-user from that LIRs address space, who used IPv6, that would show up as 100%. Although inaccurate, we choose to still show this, as it shows real IPv6 deployment.

If you have questions/suggestions about this, please contact us at

All LIRs offering services in Germany

Total number of LIRs registered to Germany: 2330

LIRs qualifying for the fifth star

Listing of LIRs qualifying for all five stars

(last 6 months)
(last month)
Content LIR
50.0 % 100.0 % Alexej Senderkin
92.7 % Artfiles New Media GmbH
66.7 % Bradler & Krantz GmbH & Co. KG
72.4 % Bundesministerium des Innern und fuer Heimat
100.0 % 100.0 % Carl Fabian Luepke
100.0 % Chaos Computer Club e.V.
100.0 % Christian clos
75.4 % 75.7 % 96.6 % D-hosting die Rackspace & Connectivity GmbH
100.0 % DE-CIX Management GmbH
50.4 % DENIC eG
100.0 % David Froehlich
50.0 % Deutsche Zentrale fur Tourismus e.V. DZT
100.0 % Dominic Scholz trading as ITP-Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
50.0 % 50.0 % ERNW Enno Rey Netzwerke GmbH
50.7 % ETES GmbH
65.9 % EWE TEL GmbH
100.0 % FH Muenster
100.0 % FPS InformationsSysteme GmbH
50.0 % 100.0 % FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
100.0 % Flughafen Muenchen GmbH
51.7 % 55.6 % Freifunk Rheinland e.V.
100.0 % Geneon GmbH
100.0 % Global Village GmbH
100.0 % Greenbone AG
73.9 % HL komm Telekommunikations GmbH
100.0 % Haendle & Korte GmbH
100.0 % Hansa IT GmbH
50.0 % 100.0 % 87.4 % Heinlein-Support GmbH
100.0 % Hessischer Rundfunk
68.6 % 100.0 % 100.0 % Hilko Boecker
75.6 % Hostserver GmbH
93.2 % I.T.E.N.O.S. International Telecom Network Operation Services GmbH
88.6 % IABG Teleport GmbH
50.0 % IAV GmbH Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr
51.8 % IONOS SE
81.3 % IPB Internet Provider in Berlin GmbH
54.8 % IPHH Internet Port Hamburg GmbH
93.2 % 75.9 % ISPpro Internet KG
100.0 % Individual Network Berlin ("IN-Berlin") e.V.
100.0 % Intares GmbH
50.0 % 50.0 % IsarNet AG
99.0 % 98.7 % 52.7 % Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz
95.5 % Jonas Frey trading as Probe Networks
100.0 % Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
93.0 % Key-Systems GmbH
54.3 % Keyweb AG
83.5 % Kommunale Datenverarbeitungszentrale Rhein-Erft-Rur
50.0 % Krones AG
65.1 % LEW TelNet GmbH
100.0 % Laudert GmbH + Co. KG
97.8 % 99.0 % 100.0 % Leibniz-Rechenzentrum
100.0 % Lumberg Connect GmbH
100.0 % MCS GmbH
91.7 % 68.6 % Magnus Fruehling
100.0 % GmbH
85.7 % 75.0 % Manfred Casper trading as EURO-SAT
100.0 % 100.0 % Marcel Andrew Zaiser trading as Metaliance ISP Systems e.k
59.7 % 63.0 % Martin Prager trading as "NbIServ"
100.0 % Mathias Peter
100.0 % Mauve Mailorder Software Verwaltung GmbH
100.0 % 100.0 % Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaften e.V.
100.0 % 100.0 % Maximilian Schieder trading as Zeug e.K.
100.0 % Net-D-Sign GmbH
100.0 % Netzwerge GmbH
51.2 % Oliver Geiselhardt-Herms
100.0 % 100.0 % Openfactory Services UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)
50.0 % 100.0 % Opteamax GmbH
50.0 % Optitrust GmbH
50.0 % PHILUNET GmbH
56.4 % 55.2 % 71.1 % PLUTEX GmbH
58.7 % 54.4 % 100.0 % GmbH
100.0 % Planet Technologies UG
67.4 % Plus.line AG
71.2 % Portunity GmbH
100.0 % Posteo e.K.
50.0 % 50.0 % REQUISIS GmbH
67.2 % RWTH Aachen University
100.0 % Rekers Digitaltechnik Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH trading as Rekers Digitaltechnik GmbH & Co.KG
90.9 % 100.0 % Rene Roeth trading as ROETH & BECK GbR
50.0 % Robert Meyer trading as "Mittwald CM Service GmbH & Co. KG"
87.3 % Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum
99.3 % SCT Schiele GmbH
100.0 % SEA-NET GmbH
87.4 % SOPRADO GmbH
100.0 % SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
100.0 % SWN Stadtwerke Neumuenster GmbH
53.8 % SaSG GmbH & Co. KG
100.0 % 100.0 % ServerGurus UG
50.0 % Stadtwerke Engen GmbH
100.0 % Stiegeler Internet Service GmbH
73.1 % Strato GmbH
50.0 % Stuttgarter Versicherung Holding Aktiengesellschaft
78.3 % T-Systems International GmbH
100.0 % GmbH
100.0 % TELE AG
100.0 % TELTA Citynetz GmbH
99.4 % TeamViewer Germany GmbH
100.0 % Technical University of Munich
100.0 % Tele Columbus AG
54.1 % Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co.OHG
82.0 % 81.4 % 100.0 % Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co.OHG
100.0 % The Infrastructure Company GmbH
100.0 % 100.0 % Thinxx GmbH
100.0 % Tralios IT GmbH
50.0 % Trusted Network GmbH
100.0 % Tutao GmbH
67.7 % UD Media GmbH
51.7 % Universitaet Muenster, CIT
61.1 % Universitaet Stuttgart
100.0 % Universitaet zu Koeln
100.0 % VIA-ONLINE GmbH
81.4 % 58.1 % Vodafone Group Services GmbH
53.4 % 51.7 % Vodafone West GmbH
88.5 % Volkswagen AG
50.0 % 58.5 % WORTMANN AG
50.5 % Webhosting24 GmbH
100.0 % Wobcom GmbH
100.0 % Wurth IT GmbH
54.3 % 59.3 % XSServer GmbH
100.0 % Xenologics Networks & Communications GmbH
100.0 % crossconcept GmbH
50.0 % d.velop AG
100.0 % dotplex GmbH
100.0 % GmbH
100.0 % feel3 UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)
100.0 % froxlor GmbH
96.1 % gridscale GmbH
70.7 % htp GmbH
100.0 % i22 Digitalagentur GmbH
50.7 % kyberio GmbH
100.0 % UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)
85.4 % manitu GmbH
50.0 % marbis GmbH
52.2 % 53.2 % 53.8 % meerfarbig GmbH & Co. KG
56.9 % 57.4 % netcup GmbH
64.5 % netlogix GmbH & Co. KG
100.0 % netzquadrat GmbH
100.0 % oneCorp GmbH
100.0 % GmbH
100.0 % qwertiko GmbH
92.1 % ratiokontakt GmbH
50.0 % 100.0 % rrbone GmbH
100.0 % signal interrupt GmbH
100.0 % sinma GmbH
100.0 % suec // dacor GmbH
100.0 % synaforce GmbH
77.2 % GmbH
50.2 % 31173 Services AB <Registry based in SE>
83.7 % ALWAYSDATA SARL <Registry based in FR>
70.8 % ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH <Registry based in AT>
50.0 % ARP Networks, Inc. <Registry based in US>
100.0 % AdGuard Software Limited <Registry based in CY>
72.1 % Alsys Net SRL <Registry based in RO>
100.0 % Andritz AG <Registry based in AT>
100.0 % Aut O'Mattic A8C Ireland Limited <Registry based in IE>
72.3 % 84.8 % BlueVPS OU <Registry based in EE>
95.6 % CentralNic Ltd <Registry based in UK>
95.0 % Cloud DNS Ltd <Registry based in BG>
87.5 % 100.0 % 95.5 % Cloudflare Inc <Registry based in US>
100.0 % 100.0 % Cloudflare London, LLC <Registry based in US>
100.0 % Conostix S.A. <Registry based in LU>
100.0 % 100.0 % D&V Global B.V. <Registry based in NL>
100.0 % DHL Information Services (Europe) s.r.o. <Registry based in CZ>
100.0 % DIDWW Ireland Limited <Registry based in IE>
100.0 % Des Capital B.V. <Registry based in NL>
100.0 % Digital Telecom Internet Exchange LLC <Registry based in UA>
100.0 % Express Teleservice Corp <Registry based in US>
66.7 % FSIT AG <Registry based in CH>
68.3 % Falco Networks B.V. <Registry based in NL>
65.8 % G-Core Labs S.A. <Registry based in LU>
50.0 % 100.0 % GEANT Vereniging <Registry based in NL>
100.0 % HEXATOM s.a.r.l. <Registry based in FR>
100.0 % HOTCITY SA <Registry based in LU>
58.9 % 52.4 % HUMANS CONNEXION SARL <Registry based in FR>
100.0 % 100.0 % Hani Hussein trading as KernelHost <Registry based in AT>
100.0 % Hosting 2 GO B.V. <Registry based in NL>
77.6 % Hosting Ukraine LTD <Registry based in UA>
100.0 % Identity Digital Limited <Registry based in IE>
96.6 % 100.0 % Kazuki Yamaguchi <Registry based in JP>
60.4 % 75.4 % Kirino LLC <Registry based in US>
69.1 % 100.0 % LLC Baxet <Registry based in RU>
50.0 % M-Files Oy <Registry based in FI>
50.0 % MD6 Consulting SASU <Registry based in FR>
100.0 % MEGA Cloud Services Limited <Registry based in NZ>
83.3 % NAV COMMUNICATIONS SRL <Registry based in RO>
50.0 % 50.0 % NXA Global Online Services Ltd. <Registry based in CY>
100.0 % NXT Initiative SAS <Registry based in FR>
100.0 % Netassist International s.r.o. <Registry based in CZ>
96.8 % 92.4 % Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy <Registry based in FI>
100.0 % Openfactory GmbH <Registry based in CH>
100.0 % 100.0 % Oracle Svenska AB <Registry based in SE>
100.0 % Oy Crea Nova Hosting Solution Ltd <Registry based in FI>
87.2 % Pascal Mathis trading as SnapServ Mathis <Registry based in CH>
100.0 % Public Cloud Ltd. <Registry based in BG>
89.1 % Quanza B.V. <Registry based in NL>
100.0 % Sargasso N1 Limited <Registry based in UK>
100.0 % Sebastian-Wilhelm Graf <Registry based in AT>
98.0 % 85.7 % 100.0 % Securebit AG <Registry based in CH>
100.0 % 100.0 % 78.0 % Skylon Solutions Limited <Registry based in UK>
100.0 % Soverin B.V. <Registry based in NL>
66.7 % 66.7 % Sportradar AG <Registry based in CH>
100.0 % Spotler Nederland B.V. <Registry based in NL>
83.7 % TELECOM ITALIA SPARKLE S.p.A. <Registry based in IT>
50.0 % Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson <Registry based in SE>
77.3 % 72.3 % Telia Company AB <Registry based in SE>
67.4 % Trabia SRL <Registry based in MD>
52.7 % Valve Corporation <Registry based in US>
81.5 % Vitalwerks Internet Solutions LLC <Registry based in US>
100.0 % WF Konijnenberg Holding B.V. <Registry based in NL>
100.0 % XT NETWORK SARL <Registry based in FR>
79.7 % Zappie Host LLC <Registry based in US>
73.0 % 100.0 % ab stract ltd <Registry based in FI>
100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % xTom Pty Ltd <Registry based in AU>

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Generated on 2025-02-11