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LIRs with five star IPv6 RIPEness in Netherlands

This list contains the LIRs with five star IPv6 RIPEness that offer services in Netherlands.

The fifth IPv6 RIPEness star tries to capture IPv6 deployment at the edge, and is updated once per month based on data for the previous month. If your organisation has completed the steps for achieving all four IPv6 RIPEness stars and was measured as having actually deployed IPv6 at the edge as described at IPv6 RIPEness - the 5th star: actual IPv6 deployment at the edge it should be included on this list.

If an LIR is not included in this list, either we couldn't measure it's IPv6 deployment, or the level of deployment we measured was below the current threshold of 50 %. Content was measured on 2022-09-01, Access data over the full month of 2022-07. Our access data feed from APNIC is currently undergoing maintenance, which causes the half-yearly aggregate numbers to be temporary estimations, we expect to provide more accurate numbers once this is finished.

If we have a low number of measurements from an LIR, data could be inaccurate. For example, if we only measured a single end-user from that LIRs address space, who used IPv6, that would show up as 100%. Although inaccurate, we choose to still show this, as it shows real IPv6 deployment.

If you have questions/suggestions about this, please contact us at

All LIRs offering services in Netherlands

Total number of LIRs registered to Netherlands: 1180

LIRs qualifying for the fifth star

Listing of LIRs qualifying for all five stars

(last 6 months)
(last month)
Content LIR
52.9 % 50.0 % 100.0 % Amsterdam Internet Exchange B.V.
94.0 % Antagonist B.V.
50.0 % 50.0 % Arcus IT Sneek BV
100.0 % Arno de Groot Trading As StackIP
100.0 % Asimo Networks B.V.
100.0 % BetterBe B.V.
66.7 % Blue Coded B.V.
60.3 % BusinessConnect BV
100.0 % CAK (ZBO)
67.4 % CLDIN B.V.
100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % Cambrium B.V.
100.0 % Capgemini Nederland B.V.
50.3 % Caveo Internet BV
100.0 % 79.4 % Claranet Benelux B.V.
100.0 % Cloudbear B.V.
100.0 % Cobytes B.V.
68.6 % Computel Standby BV
100.0 % 100.0 % D&V Global B.V.
54.9 % DataWeb Global Group B.V.
50.0 % Databalance Services B.V.
100.0 % Daxisweb B.V.
100.0 % Des Capital B.V.
100.0 % DirectVPS B.V.
100.0 % Duximus
100.0 % Eweka Internet Services B.V.
68.3 % Falco Networks B.V.
50.2 % 51.9 % Fiber Operator B.V.
89.7 % 89.6 % 100.0 % Freedom Internet BV
100.0 % Fusix Networks B.V.
50.0 % 100.0 % GEANT Vereniging
100.0 % HCC Vereniging
100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % HostSlim B.V.
100.0 % Hosting 2 GO B.V.
50.0 % IB Broadcast B.V.
100.0 % ITB-Kwadraat BV
62.4 % InterRacks B.V.
64.0 % Intermax Group B.V.
57.0 % KPN B.V.
100.0 % Linfosys BV
76.3 % Lubbers Box Telematica BV
57.8 % Marco Tiggelaar trading as Key4ce
65.9 % Metaregistrar B.V.
100.0 % 65.3 % Nefos IT bv
100.0 % NetBase BV
58.4 % 61.7 % 100.0 % Netwerkvereniging Coloclue
79.7 % Prolocation B.V.
89.1 % Quanza B.V.
100.0 % Raak ICT BV
50.0 % Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
50.0 % 50.0 % 100.0 % Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
100.0 % Rootnet NOC B.V.
100.0 % S.J.M. Steffann
100.0 % Shared Service Centrum ONS
55.5 % Shock Media B.V.
50.0 % SkyLink Data Center BV
100.0 % Softtech Automatisering B.V.
86.2 % Solcon Internetdiensten B.V.
100.0 % Soverin B.V.
100.0 % Spotler Nederland B.V.
71.3 % Stackscale B.V.
83.4 % Stichting DIGI NL
50.0 % 100.0 % Stichting NLnet Labs
100.0 % Stichting Nederlandse Publieke Omroep
100.0 % Stichting Nederlandse Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Instituten
64.6 % Superspace Hosting B.V.
53.7 % The Infrastructure Group B.V.
51.8 % The Internet Engineering Group B.V.
84.9 % Today Concepts B.V.
100.0 % Totaalnet Internet Works B.V.
100.0 % TriNed B.V.
100.0 % WF Konijnenberg Holding B.V.
85.6 % We Dare B.V.
93.3 % Webawere Internet Solutions BV
100.0 % Wesley Berendsen trading as GxW Internet Services
65.0 % Your hosting B.V.
66.5 % Ziggo B.V.
79.5 % B.V.
87.3 % 76.4 % 99.5 % baten-lastendienst Logius
100.0 % de Volksbank N.V.
79.1 % dicode BV
50.2 % 31173 Services AB <Registry based in SE>
83.7 % ALWAYSDATA SARL <Registry based in FR>
70.8 % ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH <Registry based in AT>
100.0 % Aut O'Mattic A8C Ireland Limited <Registry based in IE>
72.3 % 84.8 % BlueVPS OU <Registry based in EE>
100.0 % CSpace Hostings OU <Registry based in EE>
95.6 % CentralNic Ltd <Registry based in UK>
95.0 % Cloud DNS Ltd <Registry based in BG>
87.5 % 100.0 % 95.5 % Cloudflare Inc <Registry based in US>
100.0 % 100.0 % Cloudflare London, LLC <Registry based in US>
100.0 % DIDWW Ireland Limited <Registry based in IE>
100.0 % David Froehlich <Registry based in DE>
83.2 % BV <Registry based in BE>
100.0 % Dustin Aktiebolag <Registry based in SE>
100.0 % EUSIP bvba <Registry based in BE>
51.7 % Faelix Limited <Registry based in UK>
100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % Free Range Cloud Ltd. <Registry based in UK>
63.2 % Fusion Media Limited <Registry based in VG>
65.8 % G-Core Labs S.A. <Registry based in LU>
100.0 % 100.0 % Google Switzerland GmbH <Registry based in CH>
91.1 % Host Sailor Ltd <Registry based in AE>
93.2 % 75.9 % ISPpro Internet KG <Registry based in DE>
100.0 % Identity Digital Limited <Registry based in IE>
95.5 % Jonas Frey trading as Probe Networks <Registry based in DE>
60.4 % 75.4 % Kirino LLC <Registry based in US>
100.0 % MEGA Cloud Services Limited <Registry based in NZ>
71.2 % 96.3 % Mod Mission Critical LLC <Registry based in US>
83.3 % NAV COMMUNICATIONS SRL <Registry based in RO>
100.0 % NSONE Inc <Registry based in US>
100.0 % NXT Initiative SAS <Registry based in FR>
50.0 % Newserverlife LLC <Registry based in US>
100.0 % Nice IT Services Group Inc. <Registry based in DM>
100.0 % Openfactory GmbH <Registry based in CH>
100.0 % 100.0 % Openfactory Services UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) <Registry based in DE>
100.0 % 100.0 % Oracle Svenska AB <Registry based in SE>
87.2 % Pascal Mathis trading as SnapServ Mathis <Registry based in CH>
50.8 % 100.0 % Privex Inc. <Registry based in BZ>
100.0 % Sebastian-Wilhelm Graf <Registry based in AT>
98.0 % 85.7 % 100.0 % Securebit AG <Registry based in CH>
100.0 % ServTech LTD <Registry based in RU>
100.0 % 100.0 % 78.0 % Skylon Solutions Limited <Registry based in UK>
73.1 % Strato GmbH <Registry based in DE>
83.7 % TELECOM ITALIA SPARKLE S.p.A. <Registry based in IT>
50.0 % Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson <Registry based in SE>
67.4 % Trabia SRL <Registry based in MD>
52.7 % Valve Corporation <Registry based in US>
81.5 % Vitalwerks Internet Solutions LLC <Registry based in US>
100.0 % Watchfront Limited <Registry based in UK>
100.0 % Whatbox Inc. <Registry based in CA>
100.0 % XINDI Networks SRL <Registry based in RO>
54.3 % 59.3 % XSServer GmbH <Registry based in DE>
100.0 % XT NETWORK SARL <Registry based in FR>
79.7 % Zappie Host LLC <Registry based in US>
100.0 % Zencurity ApS <Registry based in DK>
100.0 % feel3 UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) <Registry based in DE>
50.7 % kyberio GmbH <Registry based in DE>
100.0 % UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) <Registry based in DE>
100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % xTom Pty Ltd <Registry based in AU>

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Generated on 2025-02-12